tr_socket | Pointer to an initialized tr_socket that will be used to communicate with the RTR server. |
refresh_interval | Time period in seconds. Tells the router how long to wait before next attempting to poll the cache, using a Serial Query or Reset Query PDU. |
last_update | Timestamp of the last validation record update. Is 0 if the pfx_table doesn't stores any validation reords from this rtr_socket. |
expire_interval | Time period in seconds. Received records are deleted if the client was unable to refresh data for this time period. If 0 is specified, the expire_interval is twice the refresh_interval. |
retry_interval | Time period in seconds between a faild quary and the next attempt. |
iv_mode | Defines handling of incoming intervals. |
state | Current state of the socket. |
session_id | session_id of the RTR session. |
request_session_id | True, if the rtr_client have to request a new none from the server. |
serial_number | Last serial number of the obtained validation records. |
pfx_table | pfx_table that stores the validation records obtained from the connected rtr server. |
thread_id | Handle of the thread this socket is running in. |
connection_state_fp | A callback function that is executed when the state of the socket changes. |
connection_state_fp_param_config | Parameter that is passed to the connection_state_fp callback. Expects a pointer to a rtr_mgr_config struct. |
connection_state_fp_param_group | Parameter that is passed to the connection_state_fp callback. Expects a pointer to the rtr_mgr_group this socket belongs to. |
version | Protocol version used by this socket |
has_received_pdus | True, if this socket has already recieved PDUs |
spki_table | spki_table that stores the router keys obtaiend from the connected rtr server |